Added new unique Massalia tier 5 temple building. Added new unique Getae tier 5 commons (forum) building. These temples are based on historical research and local cultural gods. Belgic cultures now have new temples that give both Celtic and Germanic culture to go with their new dual culture system. New Belgic Dual Culture Temples & Other New Buildings Thracian javelin infantry has +1 ammo, skirmishers and peltasts melee slightly increased. Buffed Numidian archers, nerfed Numidian slingers and lowered elite Numidian peltast melee slightly. Buffed stats and appearance of Arverni Veteran Spearmen, Heavy axemen and Pontic garrison spearmen Lowered melee/morale stats of artillery crews

Buffed stats of two handed units and axe infantry Reworked campaign cap of AOR units to be more in line with their cost/quality as certain elite units had higher campaign cap than levy units Slightly increase morale penalty for exposed flanks and rear attacks Lowered spacing variation for some units that caused some spacing bugs Slightly lowered missile knockback (not including pilum) Overhauled stats of sword thorakitai units to be more offensive based. Cavalry melee damage increased by 5%-10%

Added new spear cavalry charge animation Various older units and officers in multiple rosters and AOR/Merc redone with newer assets. New units or updated appearances added for Egyptian, Macedonian, Syracusean, Athenian, Kartli, Scythian, Pontic, Baktrian, Saka, Roxolani and Spartan rosters. We hope to have the beta out for the main mod update soon. If you are interested, you can download the beta pack to try out our latest content. We have had a few beta updates since I last posted, so I wanted to present the latest patch notes for everyone.