Sims 3 house mods
Sims 3 house mods

sims 3 house mods

If enough people express interest in using Awesome Mod, will look into the tuning.

  • See Twallen’s mod list for guidelines on what the settings should be.
  • sims 3 house mods

    No increasing the number of days in a term for University.Traveler – Allowed, EXCEPT for the following:.You may not cancel things like Scolding or Days off for Graduation.Building Snowmen, Making Snow Angels and Building Igloos are examples of items that can be canceled via Returner.Returner – Allowed for all actions you could normally cancel.You may not use it to check out potential traits and careers of other Sims in the neighborhood.Master Controller and Master Controller Cheats.

    sims 3 house mods

  • May only be used to clear bugs or glitches in sims and objects.
  • Please keep apocalypse rules in mind when setting up Nraas Story Progression.)
  • General options → Options: Pregnancy → Newborn gender → Set to random.
  • General options → Option: Celebrity → Grant Celebrity For Certain Career Levels → Set to false.
  • Caste options → Ghosts → Death: Allow Aging → Set to true.
  • Caste options → Vampires → Death: Allow Aging → Set to true.
  • General options → Options: Careers → Celebrity on Top Level Raise → Set to 0.
  • General options → Options: Death → Inheritance → Set to false.
  • General options → Options:Pregnancy → Paternity Leave → Set to false.
  • sims 3 house mods

  • Specific settings that need to be changed:.
  • No settings that push sims to automatically do things that are still restricted (harvest plants, fish, etc).
  • No settings that block things like going to jail or losing your job.
  • No settings that increase money earned or inherited.
  • No settings that increase Celebrity status.
  • No settings that increase job performance or the time to clear careers.
  • No increasing the number of sims able to live in the house hold.
  • Story Progression – Allowed, EXCEPT for the following:.
  • Twallan’s – if it is NOT listed here, it IS allowed.
  • There are a few items uploaded on the FaceBook page in the files section that are legal “apocalyptic” substitues if you want to have the apoc feel to your game. For example, you cannot pick a refrigerator that has a higher hunger rating or costs less than the cheapest one available.
  • Build/Buy mode objects must conform to the equivalent for your challenge.
  • That way you won’t forget to remove any mods or custom content when you play the Apocalypse and won’t forget to put them back in when you go to play your non-Apocalypse games.
  • If you wish to use mods or custom content in your Apocalypse save as well as your non-Apocalypse saves, we highly recommend generating a brand new Sims 3 folder (rename your original one and load the game, a new folder will be generated).
  • Use Mods and/or Custom Content at your own risk.

    Sims 3 house mods